Thursday, December 1, 2016

30 Day 🚫🚬 Challenge Day 1

Today was a challenging one I have smokers, yelling children, pre-tween attitudes just life all around.Which gets extremely overwhelming which is why I smoke in the first place. It's an excuse to get away from everyone and have a little time to myself. So Day 1. I did not conquer it yet I did not fail. I usually smoke a pack or two a day. Today I smoked 4 cigarettes. I made it from 6 am till 6pm with out 🚬. It wasn't until my attitude got the best of me. I wanted to Hulk punch the shit out of everything,that I snapped and decided. I'm buying cigarettes the smoke around me didn't help. The matter nor did the personalities. I couldn't figure out why my video won't post so this will suffice for now. I'm trying again tomorrow.

I'll leave you all something to do with the kiddies for the weekend. #FRIDAYFUNFINDS

Goodnight All!!!😘

30 Day Challenge!!! Quit Smoking Forever!! Send those videos!!!

Good Morning! I've been seeing challenges all over. That are ignorant beyond belief yet people are taking part in them. So I have a challenge for all The Mommy's of the WORLD for 30 Days QUIT SMOKING!!! You can use the space here to vent, yell, and scream. I will be posting a video a day for the next 30 days to log my journey. Your encouraged to send in yours to share your journey as well.

I have struggled for the past 15 years with this nasty habit. When in stress I smoke a cigarette, when happy I smoke cigarettes, when bored I smoke. I mean the list could go on and on. I had every excuse in the world why I couldn't quit, why I'd pick a cigarette up. Therefore I am now challenging my self to be healthier for myself and children.

Nothing happens over night, yet I'm told cold turkey is better than weening yourself off so let's give a chance. Stock up on Fruit, Nuts,Water, Vitamins, Gum, Peppermints and whatever else you deem a necessity.  

Check out these articles they may help!