Thursday, December 1, 2016

30 Day 🚫🚬 Challenge Day 1

Today was a challenging one I have smokers, yelling children, pre-tween attitudes just life all around.Which gets extremely overwhelming which is why I smoke in the first place. It's an excuse to get away from everyone and have a little time to myself. So Day 1. I did not conquer it yet I did not fail. I usually smoke a pack or two a day. Today I smoked 4 cigarettes. I made it from 6 am till 6pm with out 🚬. It wasn't until my attitude got the best of me. I wanted to Hulk punch the shit out of everything,that I snapped and decided. I'm buying cigarettes the smoke around me didn't help. The matter nor did the personalities. I couldn't figure out why my video won't post so this will suffice for now. I'm trying again tomorrow.

I'll leave you all something to do with the kiddies for the weekend. #FRIDAYFUNFINDS

Goodnight All!!!😘

30 Day Challenge!!! Quit Smoking Forever!! Send those videos!!!

Good Morning! I've been seeing challenges all over. That are ignorant beyond belief yet people are taking part in them. So I have a challenge for all The Mommy's of the WORLD for 30 Days QUIT SMOKING!!! You can use the space here to vent, yell, and scream. I will be posting a video a day for the next 30 days to log my journey. Your encouraged to send in yours to share your journey as well.

I have struggled for the past 15 years with this nasty habit. When in stress I smoke a cigarette, when happy I smoke cigarettes, when bored I smoke. I mean the list could go on and on. I had every excuse in the world why I couldn't quit, why I'd pick a cigarette up. Therefore I am now challenging my self to be healthier for myself and children.

Nothing happens over night, yet I'm told cold turkey is better than weening yourself off so let's give a chance. Stock up on Fruit, Nuts,Water, Vitamins, Gum, Peppermints and whatever else you deem a necessity.  

Check out these articles they may help!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Tips and tricks for a busy moms at home or on the go!

Are you juggling the kids, schedules, laundry, book clubs and more. Is it making you feel stressed, like the load is getting to heavy. Here are some tips to help you get through. Check Out Modern Families+Fresh Ideas Parenting Article 10 Stress-busting Tips for Busy Moms. I've been trying and it's been helping maybe it will help you too! Click The Link :

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tacky Tuesdays

        I live in a Urban area I see more than enough ignorant occurrences. The most ignorant that, I see are weak women. I grew up in a partially single parent household. My mother married when I was 14. I never saw my mother cry even though I knew she did I did not witness it. She raised me to not cry in public.

      My mother made it happen by any means necessary,where she went I went, and where I went she did as well. We been through some things but I never knew it. Not until I was old enough for my mother to sit me down, and talk to me about it I was 21.

     Now in 2016 there is a fair group of mothers who do the DAMN THANG! at any cost. THEN there's the other. I wish I could make the words smaller than that. Those who choose men over their children, material things, drugs, money etc. etc. YALL MAKE ME SICK!

     To top it off these be the same bitches walking around like they Queen of Sheba. BITCH BYE!!!! IF YOU DON"T GET YA LIFE!! in the words of Tamar Braxton. Just because you have ovaries does not mean you should procreate and it's the same for the SLIMY ASS wanna be called DADDY BUMS. I'm too Baked.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Messy Madness Facial Gone Wrong!

So over the week end my daughter started her DYI's she began with egg whites and tissue paper. She's impatient and refused to wait to go to a craft store before beginning so she used toilet tissue. I like to let her be a mad scientist so, toilet tissue it was LOL. It had the same effect She then went a step further with her madness and put green food coloring in it, which I don't think benefits nor harms the skin. She's 11 whatever, we watched this tutorial on YouTube: Beauty By Josie she's really funny. . I don't believe what I hear so I had to research it myself before letting her do it. This is what I found: I think I'll be doing it properly this weekend minus the food dye. I think it's better to use home remedies rather than buying products. I believe once you start using products you have to continue to use them. That's to much revenue on something you could achieve yourself for FREE.  I forgot! Outside the process of facials, and me watching The Revenant with the lovely Leonardo DiCaprio. As I was hypnotized and the movie was epic. I burned her chocolate chip cookies. She was upset but quickly recovered with ice cream.  Had a blast!!!

FAIL!!!! "She was not happy"

Saturday, September 24, 2016

When The Ones You Love Most Show True Colors

       Let's talk about people whom we love, that profess to love us back yet in trying times, the truth peeks from behind lying lines.

     You go out of your way to help someone, who gave you their ass to kiss when life benefited them. You put the terms on the table and they agreed. Yet when the curtains open they get stage fright. Nowadays there is no such thing as being honorable,the majority speak breathless lies, all ways trying to find a way to juke you.

     Only thing is I'm not the correct person to pull this shit on. I have 3 children. I'm obligated to and more than gratefully blessed to care for. I don't fuck around when it comes to my children. Now with that being said, you jive with my money your jiving with my children. "Your standing in the way of me providing for my children." You have instantly made an enemy of me.

     In hard and trying times, when you have to be a friend. You find you are in all actuality friendless. When trying your best to be the bigger person, giving someone the benefit of doubt but all signs and road ways are showing you the opposite. In the end your the fool. Dear friend I Loved you boundlessly, yet I love my children, morale, and self respect 1000,000,000 times more. I refuse to be played like a baby grand.

     I show my love, not speak it. If not and when reciprocated I too shall love no more....  There are many who claim their love for their children and others. Yet their actions dance the devils dance. I LOVE MY CHILDREN. For them, their happiness and livelihood ALL TIES WILL BE BROKEN
True Colors.......

Fun Finds!!!

Sooooo my body time clock is completely off. I just knew yesterday (Friday) was today Saturday. This just just goes to show the madness that surrounds me I am losing one's self. Usually I'm working, schooling, and all doctor appointments.Which keeps me aware of time and days. Anywho! I owe us a day.

Read to and with your children. Fun Fact :Children who read 20 minutes a day rank in the 90th percentile on standardized testing.

The Guardian has complied an exceptional list of new Children's Literature 2016

Fall Fun Activities

New Jersey Families The Essential Choice For NJ Moms, is always best in my opinion when searching for things to do with my children.

TimeOut always has the best finds for fun in activities.

Walking across the Brooklyn Bridge with the children is always a great adrenaline rush for the family! That's if you live in the Tri-State area. If your in rural areas hit the parks woods and just explore. #StayActive

Friday, September 23, 2016


I've decided that I'm not showing you all enough attention and I'm putting a change to that. Starting Sunday with Sunday's Single Mom Issues I'll be posting daily Monday - Sunday 10:00 p.m.EST.  The new schedule is as follows.

Monday -Messy Madness

Come tell all and read all of my weekends madness as we learn DYI 's to help your children , with things you may not know they need help with.

Tuesday- Tacky Tuesdays
I'm tired of being quiet about all the shitty mom's in the world. If everyone's going to sweep it under the rug. I'm going to throw the rug out! I'm talking about it, calling them out on their shit, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Wednesday - Ask Diva 
"No really, anything"

Thursday-  Tips and tricks for a busy moms at home or on the go!
What I find I'll Share!

Friday- Fun Findings Friday's
I'll Find Discounted or Free Fun things to do with the kiddies this weekend.

Saturday Comedic Relief
Releasing The Rapping Mom Latest Greatest Hits!!
Mom's vent and are silly to, I just have to get it out! 

Sunday - Sundays Single Mom Issues
Don't feel like you can talk to anyone without judgement? Well neither do I. Get Like Me Let it all out! Send in your stories Don't keep it locked up inside your driving yourself crazy.

Not a fan of profanity but.... ( Early Saturday Mornings)

      Sometimes plain ole latin doesn't cut it. People and their bullshit make me sick. Boiler point of my day, that made me say fuck everything and everyone. I had a PTO meeting I start dinner steak, cream style corn, and the intention was white rice. An hour later that all changed. How? I went to the PTO meeting at 6:20 p.m. I stayed until 7:00 .p.m.. I get back in and begin dinner, no I didn't leave the food unattended.
     My mom's ready too go, " I tell her I'll walk you to the bus. My steak is slow cooking as well as the cream style corn. My best friend is on the sofa, it's 8:30 p.m..
 I walk my mom to the bus stop I say "Ma I hope she don't let my food burn." She says "NOooo she wouldn't do that". The bus comes at 8:36 p.m. I run back home my house is literally 1 minute away from the bus stop.
      Guess what? "SHE LET MY MOTHER FUCKING FOOD BURN! THEN HAS THE AUDACITY TO SAY.... "Why didn't you tell me the corn was on. Now I smelled the burned steak from the door. You had to see it, she caught the steak before it burned too bad.  The onions beneath the steak took the beating they were so burnt that, if not knowing how to clean properly. One would have to scrape and and scratch the pan damaging it. So once I got rid of the burnt food and saved the steak from tasting burnt with some good ole silver. I quickly made some corn on the cob with salad and fed my children.  
Once I saw that my children were sated I decided ok "now I'll eat". Now visualize for me. I gave the largest portion of steak to the children, the remained is the little bit left around the bone.Maybe 3/4 from the bone. I share it with my best friend. My daughter asks for more salad, I let her and ask her to put my food in the microwave.
      My daughter takes too long to bring my plate back. So I retrieve it my self andddddd.... Someone "ATE MY STEAK!" From the table to the microwave, no one knew who so. I guess the microwave grew teeth and ate the steak as it warmed up. WOOOOOSAAAAAAH.I retreated to my room and stayed until Shelia came and took me to get some food and have some good laughs. I feel better now. Thanks for listening when I need to vent freely.

Thanks Shelia I Love You!

Later Today... When The Ones You Love Most Show True Colors

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Sunday Single Mom Issues (I lost a virtual friend)

So I opted out of the Children & Religion topic. I received a lot of negative feedback and even lost a follower on my Twitter account. I feel like people shouldn't be so closed minded. I mean it's 2016, open up a little and except that everyone has different religious views and moral values. So I ask  what would you all like to talk about?..... I'll hold my breathe. I'm interested in topics: video suggestions; product reviews, you know things your interested in. Hit me up let me know.

Friday, September 16, 2016

No Mommy Time (Not Today!!)

The children are off to school and the house is quiet. I woke up this morning to offer my Salat and I thought... When I was done I was going to enjoy watching Tom and Jerry & drinking my hot cup of java... 5 minutes after sitting down, posting my video, and minding my business drinking my coffee. I hear little feet on the stairs. It's the 2 year old why is she up at 6 a.m.? She isn't supposed to be up for another hour. So of course she took over the t.v., drank my coffee and then spit it back in the cup because it was "Ewwwww NASTY!" followed with a "Sorry Mama". It's so adorable how could I be upset. So I ended up watching Ebee's Adventures and drinking OJ. There's no such thing as mommy time when the children are in the house. Now I wait for the weekend! NANA"S COMING!!!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Harsh Reality

Are You Prepared? For what......DEATH. Have you spoken with your children. Prepared them for the unexpected. "It'll never happen....." HOW DO YOU KNOW?" I had a horrible dream. I've always been told if you die in you dream you die in real life. It was earth shattering. 😟 I realized that, I am not prepared, nor have I prepared my children for my demise. Who will pay for my funeral? How will my children live without me? .... This for me is the UNTHINKABLE

Single Working Mother

This was fun to make but actually made me feel really bad once completed.

My First Prezi!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Grown Past Their Time (Single Parent Household)

       I have caused my children to age past their time, how? Well I chose to not deal with the many things I've seen the women in my family go through. They've been dragged through the dirt on their faces (not literally).So before I could be mentally tortured by a man I had my children and kicked their fathers to the curb. Well at least my two youngest.
      Now my oldest daughter father I loved like a succubus. Before I knew what self love was. Once I realized that, I could not raise my daughter with a boy, that refused to be a man I let go. Resulting in putting myself in a bad economical position in life.
  So now I have my 11 year old daughter who played mom, when I worked 8:00 p.m.- 6:00 a.m. and 7:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m., for the past two years. So now that I'm home, I see the effects that my purge working has taken on my children. I don't like it. Upon researching I have found there is an epidemic of this, and of course I'm not the only one "Of Course". Check It Out!

Single Mother Guide : Single Mother Statistics

The Future of Children Princeton- Brookings

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Getting Back to Normal

     I felt like my entire world was crashing in on me. First I lost my car it died, I felt like it was out of the blue.... I knew it was coming, my car was a 1997. Then I went to work, after my first mind told me not to go. Of course I was told to punch out because someone did not wish to work with me. I've never experienced that before EVER! I grew physically sick.
     I wanted to hurt myself, I just felt stupid for not listening to myself. I couldn't subject myself to such stress.I left BOOM! lost my job. My mother sat me down and talked to me. I still gave no fucks about what she was saying. I was at my breaking point. I'm not accustomed to being broke. I'm far from rich yet I am not poor. I just couldn't fathom no car, no job all  I thought about was death....
    So I began researching I needed help, sadly I came up with nothing. My final step to help myself was to just PRAY. I talked directly with my Rabb I made Dua's asking for guidance. Upon waking up yesterday morning I realized,  I am not just an ATM to my children they actually have missed me.
    My children have been enjoying my company for the past week. Telling me the most amazing stories,they actually like my food and bedtime stories I just LOOOOVE IT!! I understood that I had not lost everything. Everything I needed were right in the house with me. I now know and understand ,"I AM BLESSED. I NO LONGER WORRY ABOUT HOW THE NEXT BILL WILL BE PAID."

" I say all this to remind you of what I have forgotten. Life is short mom. It's not all about the material things. When your time is up, your children won't remember the things you bought them. They will remember the time you didn't spend with them, the shows you didn't go to and, the lack of love and attention they needed. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone which is a very hard reality for everyone to take in."  

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Dear Sanity (Tuesday's Search For Clarity)

     I am having the toughest time with my daughter lately. I couldn't understand why she has become so aggressive. Mean towards her brother saying she just wants to leave her alone. Not even two months ago she was so engulfed in day to day life with us as a group. Now she locks her self in her room, she's only eleven years old. I've been researching and she is actually a Pre-teen "I absolutely hate it!" She only talks to me when she feels like it. It's hurting me, as we are test dummies for one another oldest child (Learning to be a parent child).I truly believe this is the greatest test I will ever take on. How do you meet the combativeness? READ STUDY ABSORB REACT. I'm no psychologist but my method has been work. I came up with it after reading this article, maybe it'll help you too!

Child Mind Institue 
10 Tips for Parenting Your Pre-Teen
By: Juliann Garey
This Video helped also and gave me a tickle
YouTube Video Todays TMJ4

Sunday, August 28, 2016

The Disputer (Single Mom Issues Sundays)

       As a single mother like many, I rarely have anyone to depend on besides my mother. To take of my children in my absence as I strive to better their lives. I don’t get to see them much, but I try my best to implement in them what I feel will make the upstanding individuals in society. I expect my mother to reinforce my teachings………
       I have scoured the internet looking for advice on how to deal with my mother, and in my opinion her very disruptive parenting techniques. Although her heart is in the right place when expressing herself in front of my children, in regards to the way I’m raising them. Her delivery can be raunchy and too explicit for a very impressionable, 11-year-old 5-year-old and 2-year-old. Not that she uses profanity but everything isn’t for children’s ears.
      I feel like she’s trying to turn my children against me by allowing them to do things I don’t want them doing.  Not only that but while I’m verbally chastising my children she finds it funny to say “Diva Please as if you didn’t do the same thing as a child.” Giving my children justification in their eyes to outright disrespect and disobey me something has got to give.
     So you can’t disrespect you mom, but it’s ok for your mom to disrespect you. In front of your children, in front of your peers, at a party, and on the street. Whenever and where ever she sees fit. Most importantly in front of your children!   This leaves space for doubt. Are her intentions truly pure or just an evil plan, to turn my children into “little heartache minions”? That is the worst thing to think. Yet when the bad out weighs the good what are you to do. So I go back to a previous question. Can you keep your children away from their grandparents.

Naps Are Essential To Everyone In The Family (and the disputer)

Two year old Miss Aadeeah as we call her will fight you to the death in order to not take a nap so yesterday my mother let her win. I was very upset and tickled when I saw the photo because had I not been at work she would have been in her bed. "It's cute."So I explained to my mom why little people need to nap properly all the time. She says "Hogwash I let you drop where ever you passed out." I was not amused.Nap time is also break time for mom. You can do laundry,nap, or even ready a book. Either way IT IS ESSENTIAL!!! I also feel that a grandparent is supposed to reinforce what ever your trying to teach your children. That's a topic for another day , for now check this out.

Kids Health from Nemours

Web MD No- NonSense Napping Guide for Toddlers

Beauty Is Her Name

In preparation of preparing my 11-year old Muslim African American daughter, for 6th grade classes in the school year of 2017, It is an everyday struggle to instill into her mind that she is, Beautiful the kinky curls in her hair are her own,She doesn't want to wear her hijab to the new school she will attend. She truly believes other students will not interact with her. She feels this way because of occurrences at her previous school. So she wants to start fresh. I Say No! What do you think?

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Social Media- What your Children are Actually being Exposed To (Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, Whisper....etc) Get in the Know!!!

My beautiful 11 year old daughter begged me to let her create a snap chat. She is an honor roll student, I gave in and allowed her to do so. I made the descion before doing research, as I was preoccupied. So I told her let me see this app that your using, I wanted  to know what she was seeing, and not surprisingly there were many things that were inappropriate for an 11 year old. I explained to her that  it was unsafe for many reasons. She said "Like WHO?" she sassed me. I ran the list down list, 1.Virtual predators 2. Virtual predators and  3.Rapist and pedophiles. She laughed at me and said "Ok Mommy I'll stay off of it". I meant business, I now do not want her on any social websites. I don't want her seeing certain things and with her having access to everything at her fingertips I just cannot control it.

Who are your children talking to, do you really know?

What content are they being exposed to?

When do you actually take time to explore what their viewing ?

Where are they when using social media tools?

How do you feel about your child using the many social portals available?

Have you spoken to your children about the dangers of social media?

 If you cannot answer these questions with certainty. Reevaluate what you want your children to learn outside of what your teaching them. Know that they are learning so much more, via social media than what you think.  

Read these article, I feel like it applies to all of social media I could be wrong, but we need to be aware and proactive.

Reported By: Stephanie Abney

Internet Safety 101

Huffington Post Reported by: Jamison Monroe

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Single Mom Issues Sundays

So my most recent crisis is .... I had to be to work at 8pm tonight and my car has once again failed me. My children are overly excited that I get to stay home tonight. I am NOT we cannot afford, but "Hey whats a mom to do?" Children don't understand the struggles of everyday life. After all they are only children and the best part about it is life for them is worry free.

Friday, August 19, 2016

I am being sucked up by children things that I think I've done I have not.What do you do to relieve yourself when stretched thin ?  I need some type of resolution where is the space for your self when your newly separated. 3 years down the drain. I am mentally distraught beyond belief, with three children constantly asking where's he at? Now I have to literally do everything by myself. i am not juggling it well so far please help me.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

So I think it's important for parents to teach their children their WORTH. When not taught and learned, it can be too easy to slip into toxic relationships. If you don't know if you've ever been in one or know the signs read this article.,,20976691,00.html Tell me what you think! Sharing Is Caring!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

              Apologies for skipping out on you all yesterday. I was stretched extremely thin,there were many things that occurred I'm not sure where to start.I'll just pick one. So let me tell you all about it. My 3 children ages 11,5,and 2 years old spent 3 days with my mother. I picked them up only to receive a call an hour later... She was ranting and raging calling my 5 year old son a thief and a liar stating "HE STOLE LYRIC'S TOYS!!" I calmly expressed that he did not as I was the one who packed his toys away. (Now I'll tell you who Lyric is on another day "it's deep.") So we went back and forth for about 2 minutes about said toys.Until I grew tired of it and hung up. Now this is my solution to ending arguments via telephone "Hang UP".
            I asked my daughter "Cheala where's the bag of toys Nana is referring to?" She immediately knew what I was talking about. "Oh mama I put it on the top shelf of the bookcase because Samir couldn't focus and get his clothes together." I called my mother back gave her the location and she vaguely said, "Oh okay I got it" and hung up. I was extremely bothered as she had just put my five year old child, in what I like to call the "Horrible People" category. 5 minutes later she calls back and say's in the most detached manor. "I'm sorry", I hung up.
         Yesterday morning she posted on a social media outlet. Something to the effect I'm paraphrasing "Loving you children doesn't mean that you, shouldn't teach them to respect others property Where's my toothpaste?". She then (A Grandmother) tagged my eleven year old daughter in the post. I vowed to never let them go to her house again because I feel like she's breaking them down before they even have a chance to learn themselves. As this is not the first time she's approached my children on an adult level.

The Questions of the day are as follows
1. Do you think I'm wrong?
2. How far would you go to protect your children?
3.How would you have handled the situation?