Monday, September 26, 2016

Messy Madness Facial Gone Wrong!

So over the week end my daughter started her DYI's she began with egg whites and tissue paper. She's impatient and refused to wait to go to a craft store before beginning so she used toilet tissue. I like to let her be a mad scientist so, toilet tissue it was LOL. It had the same effect She then went a step further with her madness and put green food coloring in it, which I don't think benefits nor harms the skin. She's 11 whatever, we watched this tutorial on YouTube: Beauty By Josie she's really funny. . I don't believe what I hear so I had to research it myself before letting her do it. This is what I found: I think I'll be doing it properly this weekend minus the food dye. I think it's better to use home remedies rather than buying products. I believe once you start using products you have to continue to use them. That's to much revenue on something you could achieve yourself for FREE.  I forgot! Outside the process of facials, and me watching The Revenant with the lovely Leonardo DiCaprio. As I was hypnotized and the movie was epic. I burned her chocolate chip cookies. She was upset but quickly recovered with ice cream.  Had a blast!!!

FAIL!!!! "She was not happy"

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